I had the honor to be on the launch team for Andrea Lucado’s new book, English Lessons. TODAY is the release day!
Growing up in the church, I struggled with making my faith making my faith personal. I have found it is difficult to differentiate my parent’s faith, the words I’ve heard in church, or what I think I’m supposed to believe from the truth I deeply and personally believe about my Savior. I spent high school studying God’s word, sorting out the truths from lies, and seeking God’s voice. I’ve uncovered the blessing of really knowing God, of hearing his voice, and of being His daughter. Yet, I admit I am still in the midst of this journey.
I still discover areas of my heart where I am a Pharisee. I add to God’s truth and strive for His approval that He has already freely given. I think this is the confusing situation many of us “church kids” find ourselves in as we approach adulthood.
We become frustrated by our doubts. We wonder if it’s okay to question God. We wrestle with who He has created us to be. Maybe we even ask if God is truly who He claims to be.
As I read Andrea’s words, my heart screamed “me too.” I felt like she got it. She knows what it feels like to wrestle within the four walls of the church. She wasn’t perfect and she questioned the faith she was supposed to know. But most importantly, her words reminded that God isn’t afraid of our questions. He longs for us to find who He truly is, to make him OUR God.
My soul found rest in these pages. Andrea boldly confronts church and God and faith. She doesn’t dress up Jesus or cheapen the Gospel message. With honest and beautiful words, Andrea vulnerably tells her story, showing us what it looks like to make Jesus Lord.
If you feel burdened by question and doubt, this book is for you. If you feel lost in the sea of church, this book is for you. If you don’t know who God created you to be, this book is for you. If you are weary of living up to everyone’s expectations, this book is for you.
Most importantly, use these words to propel you into your Bible. Ask God the tough questions. Seek Him with everything in you. Surrender yourself to Him. Lose yourself in order to be found.
Buy English Lessons here!