Thank You Notes

Today I’m thankful for…



My heart is full after a wonderful week of serving and worship in Nicaragua. I’ll be posting more about my trip tomorrow, I can’t wait to share my stories with you!



Compassion International

Compassion International is an organization that allows you to personally sponsor a child in poverty to provide them with food, clothing, medical care, and school for $38 per month. During our time in Nicaragua, my family was able to meet our Compassion sponsor child, Ana. It was an experience I will never forget. Getting to hug the beautiful little girl whose picture has been on our fridge and who we’ve been praying for is so special. God truly guided our families to one another in a miraculous way. It’s difficult to trust that you are truly building a relationship with your sponsor child and meeting their needs through letters, but through our visit I am in awe of the work God is doing through Compassion. I encourage you to consider sponsoring a child, it will change their lives and yours. I fully support and trust the work of Compassion.  I am a part of the Compassion Bloggers Network and I will be posting more about my experience with Compassion soon.




I’m so thankful for the opportunity to travel to experience and serve the global family of faith, but arriving back home just in time to celebrate the 4th of July gives me a new perspective on the nation I call home. The United States is just my Jerusalem (Acts 1:8) and the gospel reaches far beyond the country’s borders to our brothers and sisters worldwide. But I’m thankful for the freedom I have here to worship God. Many men and women have sacrificed their lives for the freedom we have here in the United States to lift our hands in worship, for me to write these words, and to live in a government that strives to serve its people well. I honor, respect, and thank them for their sacrifice. I feel I have a responsibility to use this freedom I have to serve others and proclaim the goodness of my God here at home and to the ends of the earth.



A Prayer of Thanks

Lord, today I thank you for the unity we have in the body of Christ. You are so powerful that we may come together to worship you in all nations and languages. I pray for the people of Nicaragua that hold a special place in my heart. May your will continue to be done among them. And I ask that you remind me of the promises you spoke to me through them. I pray for precious Ana and the work of Compassion International. Thank you for the freedom of home. Let me be a witness for you at home and to the ends of the world. I’m humbled by your power, let me remember my smallness. Amen.

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